
2015年12月9日 星期三


回應2015125日新聞報導密西根大學之相關研究「青少年接受過動藥物治療 增遭霸凌機率」, "美國最近1份學生自填問卷研究發現,接受注意力不足過動症(ADHD)藥物治療的兒童和青少年(和未接受ADHD藥物治療者一樣),被霸凌的機率是非ADHD孩子的兩倍。",針對新聞內容所引用之ADHD藥物治療與霸凌之間關係的研究,本會為讓社會大眾有正確之疾病與用藥觀念,須要做以下之澄清及呼籲:
2)根據由美國國家精神衛生研究院(National Institute of Mental Health)與教育部(Department of Education)支援下所進行的注意力不足過動症之多模式治療 (Multimodal Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, MTA)”研究結果顯示,單用藥物治療組及藥物合併行為治療組明顯優於單用密集行為治療組和例行性社區照護組,而單用藥物治療組與藥物合併行為治療組的療效並無明顯差異,因此在治療ADHD核心症狀時,藥物是絕對不能忽略的治療選項。
3)根據「小兒心理學期刊」(Journal of Pediatric Psychology)所刊載之艾普斯坦(Quyen M Epstein-Ngo)等作者的研究論文原文,雖然與非ADHD青少年相比,接受藥物治療的ADHD青少年被霸凌的比例較高,但若與沒有接受藥物治療的ADHD青少年相比,接受藥物治療的ADHD青少年被霸凌的比例並未增加。因此,ADHD本身和霸凌有關並非藥物治療,不宜斷章取義出現新聞標題所述「青少年接受過動藥物治療 增遭霸凌機率」的結論。原論文標題為「分送治療ADHD藥物和青少年霸凌」,會分送藥物和跟有ADHD藥物的同學要藥的青少年有霸凌的機率較高,這是行為障礙問題和藥物治療本身無關。
4)艾普斯坦(Quyen M Epstein-Ngo)等作者也在研究論文中坦言這項研究的諸多限制,包括只有依賴個案的主觀報告而缺乏客觀的評估,以及橫斷面 (cross-sectional) 的研究無法推論因果關係等,這些因素都會明顯影響研究結果的判讀。
理事長 高淑芬
* Abstract J Pediatr Psychol. 2015 Nov 19. pii: jsv105. [Epub ahead of print]
Diversion of ADHD Stimulants and Victimization Among Adolescents. Epstein-Ngo QM1, McCabe SE2, Veliz PT2, Stoddard SA3, Austic EA4, Boyd CJ5. Author information
* 1Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research, University of Michigan Injury Center, University of Michigan qen@umich.edu.
* 2Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan.
* 3School of Nursing, University of Michigan School of Public Health, University of Michigan.
* 4Institute for Clinical and Health Research, University of Michigan Injury Center, University of Michigan Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Michigan.
* 5Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan School of Nursing, University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry, Addiction Research Center, University of Michigan.
To examine whether a recent prescription for stimulant medication is associated with peer victimization among youth with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). METHODS: Data from 4,965 adolescents attending five public schools who completed an annual web survey over 4 years were used to examine recent stimulant medication prescription and self-reported frequent victimization. RESULTS: Adolescents with ADHD and recent stimulant prescription reported more victimization than those without ADHD, but similar to adolescents with ADHD and no recent prescription. Adolescents with ADHD and past 12-month diversion of their prescribed stimulants were at greatest risk of 12-month frequent victimization compared with adolescents without ADHD and adolescents with ADHD but no recent prescription. Youth approached to divert reported more victimization than youth not approached. Youth who diverted reported more victimization than those who did not divert. CONCLUSIONS: Close parent-prescriber collaboration is needed to ensure effective medical treatment for ADHD without greater risk for victimization and treatment failure.
© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Pediatric Psychology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
adolescent(s); attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; crime and violence; prescription stimulant(s); risk behaviors

